Email Marketing is a huge key to success when marketing or promoting a business to existing clients or those who have expressed interest in products or services through your website.
Nowadays, more businesses rely on email marketing for promotional purposes as it is cost effective and has proven to drive traffic to websites effectively. Email marketing has also proven to dramatically increase website enquiries and purchases.
Email marketing campaigns provide you with the ability to distribute email newsletters to a wide range of potential and/ or existing customers at a low cost. Statistical results will also be provided for each newsletter sent out to any particular client database. These statistical results will indicate which clients are purely interested in your services and which clients are not.
According to JupiterResearch, in 2004, 71% of U.S. online advertisers used email marketing. Research also indicated that an additional 12% had planned to start email marketing in 2005. Since 2007, email marketing has become one of the most popular ways of targeting potential customers, as well as targeting existing clients.
A majority of email marketing campaigns supply a wide range of statistics for each newsletter or promotion sent out. Statistical results may differ or vary, depending which campaign you choose to use. iReach, our email marketing campaign offers statistics on the following:
• Number of emails received
• Number of email opened
• Percentage of HTML to Plain text Links clicked (Unique vs. Total)
• Who actually clicked links
• Click through rate as %
• Forward to Friend
• Activity Un-subscribers and bounced emails
• Number of profile updates
• Reports are also available for download
Prior to preparing a newsletter for distribution, it is important that research is done and that you know your client database. It is also important that your newsletter is well written and has a professional, yet striking design and layout. Another factor that should be taken into account is the subject line. The subject line is one of the most important factors of your newsletter, as it is the one of the main elements that will persuade clients to open the newsletter.
Some other key factors that should be taken into account when preparing a newsletter are:
• Ensuring that your brand name appears in the subject line
• Ensuring that the newsletter has both a HTML and a plain text option
• Ensuring that an unsubscription link is included in the newsletter
• Ensuring that the recipient is addressed by name
• The time/ day when newsletters are sent (Fridays or holidays are not recommended)
If you would like more information, or would like to sign up for a 30 day trial account with iReach, please click here.